Breathe Event Poster
This project focused on typography and nature. Whenever I am in nature, I like to take in a deep breath to enjoy the clean air and feel relaxed.
Used in this project: InDesign, Photoshop, etc.
The Brief
This was a two-part project that started as a spontaneous concept which would then be evolved later on. The project was to be completed in a short period of time. The focus for this project was on nature, typography, and meaning. We were to pick a word or phrase to create with organic objects.
I chose to go with “breathe” because when I am in nature I want to feel relaxed and take a deep breath of all that is around me. This would then lead me to creating a poster for a mental health event because breathing techniques are a tool for anxiety.
Part One
Utilize natural items to create a specific word or phrase that held meaning to us.
Part Two
Once we had created our word or phrase using the natural items we found, we were to create a poster around it.

The Process
Part One
The first part of this project was focused on nature and typography. I went out into a park and collected different pieces of nature to create a word or phrase. I decided to go with Breathe because being in nature always make me want to take a deep breath. I assembled the natural materials I found into a way that was easily read.
Part Two
The next part of the project is to create an event around the word or phrase we chose. Taking a deep breath has always helped calm my mind and this inspired me to make an event around mental health for anxiety. I added in other elements of ripped paper to continue the organic theme and to follow the flow of the typography.
Project Takeaway
Learning to create typography with natural materials was a fun project and it allowed me to learn more about typography in its meaning. A word or phrase itself has its meaning, but the look of the typography can create a whole new meaning on its own.